Thursday, March 3, 2011

My 10 Topoi

1. Contradiction- Global Warming is either true or it is a myth.
2. Definition by class or category- Global warming is something that could threaten the health of our planet and the quality of life of those who live here in the near future.
3. Division of Whole into parts- Climate change will affect the population of the earth in many ways, with the overall temperatures affecting the quality of life of humans, the way and location that different species live, and the spread of diseases in places they would not normally be able to spread to.
4. Division into essence and accidents- Climate change is due to the greenhouse affect; all the other extremes are due to the this.
5. Antecedent and Consequence- Climate change will cause more extremes in weather around the planet, which will cause change for all those who live on it. The reason it is frightening is because we can't predict exactly what those changes will be.
6. Authority- According to an awarding winning, Ph. D environmental physical chemist, Warming fears are the "worst scientific scandal in...history...When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists."
7. Authority- The winner of a Nobel peace prize for physics, Ivar Giavar said, "I am a skeptic... Global warming has become a new religion."
8. Testimonial- In 1970, a group of New Orleans schoolchildren took a 185-mile trip to Jackson, Mississippi to experience something they had never seen before: snow. In 2009, they didn't have to bother as Southern Louisiana was blanketed with four inches of snow, the first major snow in 45 years and only 2 inches shy of the all-time record of 6 inches set in 1895. It was also the earliest snow ever recorded.
9. Statistics- Record low temperatures have been recorded across the globe, and during the last decade, summers have gotten cooler and winters more harsh.
10. Statistics- Average temperature in the Arctic increased at nearly twice the global rate during the past 10o years.

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