Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Climate War- My Reaction

This article was really well written and I got a good idea of the book he was analyzing. It seemed to be a bit without a definite purpose. I guess it could be just to inform, but I would have loved to hear more about ideas from the author on what sort of legislation could be passed. He acknowledges many things that have gone wrong and tactics of those who are against global warming, but he fails to offer any of his ideas. The article kind of leaves the reader hanging and wanting more in that sense. I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. It is bad because it doesn't answer all the questions and it makes the reader view the author as a bit of a whiner and not much of a leader. But, leaving the readers wanting more may also inspire the reader to further their knowledge and involvement regarding the issue.
The author clearly was trying to persuade the reader towards believing in global warming and does so in a very obvious way. He doesn't try to hide the fact that he is comparing both sides of the issue to good and evil. He says that those people who have tried to reduce carbon dioxide emissions are heroes and those who are global warming denialists are villains.
I did appreciate the author's acknowledging the book's shortcomings.
The article left me thinking more about legislation and what is being done to reduce emissions. I like the ideas presented about accepting that the economy must function in order for us to develope any sort of technology toward changing energy and to fund the transition. We cannot hurt our economy right now especially by forcing major companies to comply to some emission law. It would cost everyone a lot of money that may not be readily available at the moment. That was a very interesting point.
Overall I thought the article was good. I enjoyed reading it and really learned a lot.

1 comment:

  1. Very well done, Justin. Good argument and analysis. Thank you for enlightening me.
