Saturday, February 12, 2011

Transforming Conservation Analysis

In "Transforming Conservation" released by Issues in Science and Technology in the Fall 2010, the author acknowledges the possible counter arguments to create an effective argument for changing the conservation biology used in the United States. It is explained very effectively in a way that persuades the reader in a non-biased way .

The author explains that with global warming and global climate change, the conversational biology standards must be changed. Expectations and policies need to be adapted to the new conditions. In conclusion, this article calls for some sort of action to be taken. Many possible counter arguments are presented to show that the author has done research and is being as reasonable as possible while still getting the point across. It is acknowledged that the "challenge of restructuring conservation biology is daunting," and then he offers a practical plan of where to begin. He subtly addresses a possible counter argument by explaining how changing the conservation biology in the US can help the whole world, giving more importance to the the issue and answering anyone who might say that this will do little to help the world and we should focus on a larger perspective. He suggests as part of his ideas for conservation biology changes that relocating endangered species could be "risky business" and then presents what could help prevent the risk. As the article is concluded, the author states humbly and boldly that some sort of action must be taken, while acknowledging that others may have better ideas. The important part is action.

The author addresses the counter arguments to make his own opinion less biased and helps the reader respect his ideas.

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