Friday, February 25, 2011
Rhetorical Analysis Reflection
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Audience Profile
Transforming Conservation Analysis
Friday, February 11, 2011
Reverse Outline- Transforming Conservation
How to continue to save species, ecosystem services, and "wild" ecosystems under current and anticipated global warming.
-Restructuring conservational biology- next challenge.
-unify conservation strategies, targets
-jumps start a new era or conservation
-US changing conservation strategies helps global issues as well because:
-US can serve as a model
-different land management agencies have different goals
-US is a leader in global conservation
-data shows ecological variability on our continent
-cannot hold ourselves to the same standard of conservation
-species change with climate, we have to change expectations
-help species adapt
-standards for land managers about ecosystem properties
-more about genus than species
-deviations from expectations would indicate need for action
-relocation may be necessary
-difficult because may create big, human managed gardens and zoos, no more wild.
-create two sorts of nature reserves
-species reserves
-goal is saving species, bring in endangered for relocation to help them.
-wildlife reserves
- mimic ecological processes; put them in situations where they will succeed
-initiate action now, given the rapid rate our globe is changing.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Climate Change Overview states the Facts about Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases
The author starts off by giving a strong background and a base knowledge of greenhouse gases and how they work. He explains exactly what happens in a very basic way so the reader can understand the process. He provides much factual evidence and largely appeals to logos. First he says that because of natural greenhouse effects, the average temperature of the earth is fifty seven degrees Fahrenheit, and that if the "natural greenhouse effect did not exist, the average temperature would be around minus 2 degrees Fahrenheit." The author continues by explaining the additional greenhouse gases emitted because of industrialization and how the concentration of greenhouse gases has increased. It is stated that now, "the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is 385 parts per million" and "before industrialization it was about 280 parts per million. It would have been helpful if he would have explained these units a bit. This evidence, the author claims, correlates directly with the warming of the earth when it is stated that the " greenhouse effect is becoming stronger, and therefore the earth is becoming warmer." The evidence that the average temperature of the earth has risen in the same time period by .74 degrees Fahrenheit supports this. The language used in this article is very fair, and there is almost no appeal to emotion, leaving these facts and logic to provide the major force of influence.
This article does leave out, however, many possible counter arguments. There is no acknowledgment or explanation of what people are saying to argue against these facts. Certainly there are many who present facts contrary to those presented in this article, and the argument could have been strengthened by recognizing explaining those facts.
In this article, the author uses basic, logical reason, or an appeal to logos, to persuade the audience concerning global warming and greenhouse gases.